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Serie 3

Planetary Gear Units


Key benefits

Alta densidad de par
Salida de alta potencia y reducción extrema de la velocidad
Bajos costes de mantenimiento
Extremadamente personalizable
Utilizable en ambientes explosivos

Main options Versión angular o en línea
Unidad de refrigeración independiente
Solución de refrigeración integrada patentada
Retenes de taconita
Certificación Atex para ambientes explosivos
Torque range 1.250...1.286.700 Nm
Torque range (IU) 11,063 … 11,388,254 in-lb
Gear ratios 3,4 ... 2.916
Certifications Certificado de conformidad
Certificado de inspección
Output Montaje en brida o pie
Eje estriado (macho, alta resistencia, hueco, hueco con dispositivo de bloqueo axial)
Eje sólido con chaveta (macho, alta resistencia, versión mezclador/agitador)
Eje hueco con paso doble de la llave o disco de contracción


Entrada con eje macizo
Entrada con acoplamiento del motor eléctrico:
- M, ME, MX [asíncrono compacto]
- BN, BE, BX [asíncrono IEC]
- BSR [reluctancia IEC]
- BS [monofásico IEC]

Motors options

Sensores de termistores y termostatos
Refrigeración forzada independiente
Encoder incremental, absoluto sin/cos multivuelta/1 vuelta
Calefactores anticondensación


Product Catalogue-300 Industrial series Modular planetary gearboxes Power Series

Product Catalogue-300M series Modular planetary gearboxes

Product Catalogue-300M series Modular planetary gearboxes IE2-IE3

Product Catalogue-300M series Modular planetary gearboxes_NEMA

User Manual-300-300M series Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual

3 00 L 1 3.48

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

3.48 500 144.0 650.0 10.2 0.97 0.0 0.0 15.0 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 500
3 00 L 1 3.48

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

3.48 1000 287.0 530.0 16.5 0.97 0.0 0.0 9.0 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 1000
3 00 L 1 3.48

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

3.48 1500 431.0 470.0 20.0 0.97 0.0 0.0 7.5 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 1400
3 00 L 1 4.26

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

4.26 500 117.0 690.0 8.7 0.97 0.0 0.0 15.0 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 500
3 00 L 1 4.26

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

4.26 1000 235.0 560.0 14.1 0.97 0.0 0.0 9.0 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 1000
3 00 L 1 4.26

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

4.26 1500 352.0 490.0 18.8 0.97 0.0 0.0 7.5 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 1400
3 00 L 1 5.77

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

5.77 1500 260.0 470.0 13.3 0.97 0.0 0.0 7.5 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 1400
3 00 L 1 5.77

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

5.77 500 87.0 630.0 5.9 0.97 0.0 0.0 15.0 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 500
3 00 L 1 5.77

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

5.77 1000 173.0 530.0 10.0 0.97 0.0 0.0 9.0 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 1000
3 00 L 1 7.20

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

7.2 1500 208.0 410.0 9.2 0.97 0.0 0.0 7.5 IN-LINE Planetary METRIC 1400