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Serie A BXN

Helical Bevel Gearmotors with IEC Asynchronous IE3 3-phase Motors


Key benefits


Main options null
Torque range null
Torque range (IU) null
Gear ratios null
Certifications null
Transmissible mechanical power null
Output null



Motors options


A 50 4 211 BXN 80MB 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 211.0 IEC 0.75 961.0 6.6 1.6
A 50 4 211 BXN 90S 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 211.0 IEC 1.1 1410.0 6.6 1.1
A 50 4 232 BXN 71MB 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 232.0 IEC 0.37 533.0 5.9 2.8
A 50 4 232 BXN 80MA 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 232.0 IEC 0.55 786.0 5.9 1.9
A 50 4 232 BXN 80MB 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 232.0 IEC 0.75 1057.0 6.0 1.4
A 50 4 232 BXN 90S 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 232.0 IEC 1.1 1550.0 6.0 1.0
A 50 4 260.9 BXN 71MB 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 260.9 IEC 0.37 599.0 5.3 2.5
A 50 4 260.9 BXN 80MA 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 260.9 IEC 0.55 884.0 5.3 1.7
A 50 4 260.9 BXN 80MB 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 260.9 IEC 0.75 1189.0 5.4 1.3
A 50 4 260.9 BXN 90S 4

Please continue to proceed with product configuration

RIGHT ANGLE 20000.0 0.0 IE3 260.9 IEC 1.1 1743.0 5.4 0.9